Sucess is a personal thing. You set your own standards of success.
Some 21 useful tips for success in the 21st Century (a changing and uncertain world) as below :
1) Dare to expect big things in an uncertain world
Do not accept things as they are. Evaluate your potential for success and aim much higher
2) Set a goal
At all times, let your goal determine your decisions
3) Stop wishing and start wanting
Translate your number 1 want into action
4) Put your subconscious to work
Stock your mental library daily and draw on your subconscious for ideas
5) Keep your thinking straight
Find the problem, study the facts and make a decision
6) Build up your self confidence
Face your fears head on and be a doer
7) Be the boss of your emotions
Be yourself and act when you feel morally right
8) Develop your idea-ability
Concentrate on the big idea and back it up with positive action
9) Go where the breaks are plentiful
Join an expanding company with progressive management in a growth industry
10) Invest your free time in self improvement
Read books, take courses and keep up with developments in your field
11) Organize your time and learn more on the job
Use a daily reminder calendar and do similiar work at one time to develop mental rhythm
12) Cultivate a positive attitude towards each new challenge
Accept fair criticism and be prepared to fix it quickly
13) Be willing to take a chance
Prepare for opportunity (and not ducking it) by saving your money
14) Let what you like to do determine what you will do
Rely on your mind, and not your job, for security. Do not be afraid to change job to find the work you like
15) Balance hard work with rest and recreation
Always refresh yourself through relaxation
16) Develop more contacts
Be involved in civic activities and be active in the business circles
17) Make a favourable impression
Get to know the party before you meet and always get the other person to talk more
18) Serve the needs of others
Tailor your idea to fill a need and emphasize the benefits to everyone
19) Learn to be a good listener
Avoid emotional "deafness" and hear others out
20) Put over your ideas with salemanship
Simplify your plan, organize it and test your presentation
21) Treat your team as you would like to be treated
Delegate authority, get the team into the act and assume the best of intention in others
Whatever your goal, your greatest satisfaction will not only be the reward but also the exhilaration of achievement.