21st Century Cafe.

Steak. Seafood.
Local Malaysian/Singaporean specialties.
Taiwanese Wok and Grill (锅中锅)cuisines.

Come experience our new :

- Bali Hut concept ;
- Alfresco concept ;
- Go-Green Garden concept ;
- Wild, Wild West dining concept ; and
- Multi-purpose banquet hall.

Phone: (603) 8733 6639

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

龙年吉祥。 21st Century Cafe. My lifestyle. My cafe.

庆贺新年是个国的普遍习俗。 除夕时,孩子们有守岁的习惯,直至午夜等家长祭祀神灵和祖先后燃放了鞭炮才就寝。元旦起个大早,高高兴兴地从长辈们那里拿到“红包”(压岁钱)。过年时,人们爱吃甜年糕。由社团组成的舞狮、舞龙队沿街表演。男女老幼穿着盛装,带上礼品走亲访友。 祝大家龙年吉祥。 21st Century Cafe. My lifestyle. My cafe.

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